See You at the Beach

Reflecting on the End of an Era

Dear Readers,

    In the March issue, I touched upon the shifting landscape of newspapers, recognizing the enduring significance of our print editions in an increasingly digital world. As the publisher of several newspapers along the coast, including Avila Beach Life, I’ve come to deeply appreciate the role our print editions play. They serve as not only a historical record but also as cherished documentation of local events within our region. Our newspapers offer a tangible account of our community’s narrative during specific periods, providing a unique perspective that digital platforms often fail to capture.

    With a heavy heart, I must now address a difficult decision. Despite efforts to sustain Avila Beach Life, we have had to confront the harsh financial realities. Despite the support from the Community Foundation and our two advertisers, the publication can no longer sustain itself. Therefore, it is with regret that we announce the cessation of Avila Beach Life until further notice.

    We have poured our hearts and dollars into preserving it, driven by our love for the community. Yet, the financial losses incurred each month have become insurmountable. However, this isn’t a final farewell. Should anyone wish to explore ways to support the printing of Avila Beach Life, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Your thoughts and ideas are invaluable as we navigate this change.

    Avila Beach will forever hold a special place in our hearts. It is where I spent my summers as a kid, where Nic and I exchanged vows on the beach, and where we now enjoy summers with our family. This tradition will persist in the years ahead.

    We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our devoted writers who deeply care for our community: Mary Foppiano, Betty Hartig, John Salisbury, Kathy Mastako for Port San Luis, and Rick Rowe, our newest contributor for the Avila Beach Community Foundation. Special recognition goes to Rick Cohen for his leadership in fostering community involvement over the years.

   We have cherished every moment of publishing Avila Beach Life, and while circumstances may not allow its continuation now, we hold hope for its revival in the future. Until then, I invite you to explore our other publications on, where we continue to share stories from up and down the Central Coast. The spirit of Avila Beach Life will live on through our collective memories, and perhaps, one day, we will once again bring it to life in one form or another.

    As Rick Cohen used to say, “See You at the Beach.”

Warm regards,
Hayley Mattson