Hi All – I am so excited to announce that the Avila Beach Community Center will reopen on Jul. 1.
In addition, I must admit that I am probably even more excited to announce that we will be holding our annual 4th of Jul. Doggie Parade at 11 a.m. on the Avila Beach Promenade! The participants in the Doggie Parade will be wearing costumes to demonstrate their or, should I really say, their pet parents’ enthusiasm for the 4th of Jul.. Each registered dog will receive a doggie treat bag from Petco Arroyo Grande and a participant ribbon. The categories for our costume contest are:
Best Costume, Best Dog/Owner Look Alike, Best Holiday Look, Funniest Costume, and Best in Show. This year’s judges are Lead Judge Steve Kobliska; Hayley Mattson, Publisher of Avila Beach Life; and Robin Weed-Brown, President of the ABCA Board of Directors.
All dogs must be registered and checked in to walk in the parade. You can pre-register online at avilabeachcc.com or at our check-in table between 10 and 11 a.m. in front of the Old Custom House, San Miguel Street, at the beach. The parade will walk from that spot to the end of the Promenade. For more details regarding the parade or activities/rental of the Avila Beach Community Center, contact me at avilabeachcc@gmail.com or (805)627-1997.
Hope you will join us for a fun start to the 4th of Jul. celebrations!