By Mary Foppiano, Avila Beach Civic Association
Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of meeting with Lola and her mom Mary Kay Coo. Lola did all the talking and said that her family calls her Rottweinie, a sweet, endearing name. She thinks that she is the luckiest dog in the world, moving to Avila Beach after living in a kennel. Lola truly believes she lives in heaven with her daily walks on the Bob Jones Trail or frolicking at Avila’s dog beach…and being chased by any willing dog. Her favorite part of the BJT is when kids ask to pet her. They are warned that she will lick them…but that is always okay! Once she starts, she cannot stop, which makes the kids just giggle. She also loves encountering the deer, wild turkeys, bunnies, snakes…and would be so happy if only she could catch one of those speedy lizards. She really appreciates it that most people and businesses love furry creatures like her and offer bowls of water and doggy treats. She wants to thank everyone who make her feel so wanted in this great community.
Please send me your pictures and a short paragraph about your pet to avilabeachcc@gmail.com. Thanks, and introduce us to your furry friend next month!