Hi all! Have you ever had one of THOSE days…it seemed that everything that could go wrong would! Well, today was one of those days that started late last night when I got the call that the Community Center’s front door jammed.
My day started off with rushing to get out the door to my office, and I knocked over my hole puncher, and all the little circles of paper dumped all over the carpet…and I had to pick them up one by one. That wasn’t so bad until my laptop fell on the floor as I was trying to put it in my briefcase…no worries, it didn’t break! Next, my husband Jimmy had to temporarily fix the Center’s front door so that the election materials could be removed.
So far, everything was fine. However, don’t jump to conclusions. After I got to the Center, the heating/air conditioning system repairman came so that the Post Office staff wouldn’t roast any longer; the elevator repairman came to get the lights turned back on since it is a bit scary to ride in a pitch-black elevator, the locksmith (after a bit of begging) came to fix the front door so people would be able to enter/leave…oh, and Raul Cavazos, our Board Vice President, came yesterday to make plumbing repairs. Everything turned out okay, but what a 24-hour period…was there a full moon last night???
As COVID-19/Delta Variant etc., continues to rear its ugly head, we decided to postpone our Bingo Family Fun Night until a later date. I am hopeful that things will get better, and we can host our Fall Harvest Spaghetti Dinner/Bingo Night on Nov. 5, but I will let you know sometime next month.
No worries, though, because Santa’s Doggie Parade is still scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 11, at 11 a.m. For information on our events, rental of the Center, volunteering, or becoming a member, please contact me at (805)627-1997 or avilabeachcc@gmail.com. I still have faith that this will be a great year for all of us…and look forward to seeing each of you in our beautiful Avila Beach.

Supervisor Dawn Ortiz-Legg Office Hours:
Supervisor Ortiz-Legg will begin hosting her office hours every 4th Thursday at the Avila Beach Community Center from 1-3 p.m. She will be available to talk with constituents about current issues regarding the County of San Luis Obispo or their other concerns or questions. For more information, email district3@co.slo.ca.us or call 805-781-4336.