As many of you already know, I moved up here from the Los Angeles area 10 years ago. While I was working at the Venice Family Clinic, I had the pleasure of meeting Captain Percy Jones, who was stationed at the Playa Vista Los Angeles City Fire Department. At that time, I worked closely with Percy on our “Adopt the Fire Station” program to purchase furnishings for the new station.
Shortly after I began working for the Avila Beach Civic Association, I was walking down San Miguel Street, and someone started calling my name. What a great surprise to see Percy coming toward me so far from Venice!

Capt. Percy Jones, pictured with his 8-year-old lab mix Sarge, has lived in Avila with his wife, Elise, and their two sons for 18 years. Photo courtesy of Mary Foppiano
Percy is now Battalion Chief for Battalion 9 “B” Platoon in the Westwood area of Los Angeles. He and his wife Elise have lived here for 18 years and raised their two sons who went to San Luis Obispo High School. Percy 3rd is working on his private pilot license to become an airline pilot, and Christian just received a football scholarship to San Diego State University. As the boys were growing up, Percy coached football on the Central Coast and football and basketball in Southern California.
Over the years, Percy has had many assignments throughout his career, including firefighter, fire inspector, fire captain, training officer, and many more. He said that he is looking forward to retiring any moment but, because he enjoys his career so much, he hasn’t been able to take that step.
The picture that accompanies this article is of Percy and his 8-year-old lab mix dog Sarge. Percy said that when he is not home, Sarge is the “alpha” dog who runs the house…but I will bet that when he is home, Sarge still runs the house!
Percy and Elise still enjoy Los Angeles with the diversity of food, atmosphere, arts, and music, but when it is time to come home, they really love the peace and quiet and weather of Avila Beach. You will also see them at jazz festivals throughout California, in particular the Monterey Jazz festival and the Playboy Jazz Festival.
Even though Percy’s time is limited since he is still working in Los Angeles, he has been a trustee with the Avila Beach Community Foundation. I feel very fortunate that my friendship with Percy has continued for so many years…and that he and Elise call Avila Beach home.