Repairs Update
By TOM SWEM, President of “Friends of Avila Pier (FOAP), Inc.
The 501c(3) Non-Profit Corporation “Friends of Avila Pier” (FOAP) had been very active in enlisting the community for their help to get Avila Pier fully open to the public through this past February; then COVID-19 hit us. As with most of the other Non-Profits in the county, we all went quiet (some more than others). Well, I’m here to tell you that, almost 10 months later, we are alive and well, and living in beautiful Avila Beach. And we will succeed with your help.
Given that this article was written before Thanksgiving and the next one will be after Christmas, I will begin with our “Thanks” to so many who have brought us to the financial place we are today. First of all, we would not be here without the wonderful consideration and funding by the Avila Beach Community Foundation, with special thanks to the Richard Zacky Family and the estate of Archie McLaren. Through the ABCF community survey, they found that helping get the Avila Pier back fully open is one of their top priorities. Please keep your eyes on our website,, for a new page that will thank all of our donors.
As you know, our capital campaign is quietly seeking Angel Donors with donations of $15,000 and greater. In addition, on our website, we have a “Donation” page which shows the total amount received via “GoFundMe.” This can be accessed from the website and via QR codes that is placed at the top of this article, in advertising and on the Banner on the Pier Gate. This was done to facilitate individuals who wish to donate any amount, small or large. Each person who donates through the “GoFundMe” site will receive a receipt for their donation (larger donations should be sent directly to minimize handling charges). To access a QR code, you can download a QR Code Reader on your phone or device. Then just point your device at the QR code, and up comes our website and donation page. Give it a try…
As you may know, PSLHD and the FOAP are effectively a Public-Private partnership where the Port will be raising municipal funds via Grant Applications. The FOAP was created to raise Tax-deductible community funds. At this time, PSLHD has been awarded roughly $2,000,000 in grant funding specifically to benefit Avila Pier, and the FOAP is currently at $230,000 in cash and pledges. We are both nicely on our way towards our individual goals of $3.5mm and $1mm, respectively.
As we approach the end of 2020, PLEASE CONSIDER a Tax-Deductible contribution to the FOAP. You can do it in many ways, including:
- Direct donation of funds
- The development of a “Planned Giving” program
- Directing “Required Minimum Distributions” from IRA’s
- and/or other tax sheltering concepts
In closing, we need all of your support to get this accomplished. If you are interested in learning more about the FOAP or if you wish to DONATE, please contact us by calling and leave a message at (805)595-1005 or by email
Also, for additional information, you can contact me or any member of our Board of Directors; Ron Pigeon, Judy Kaatz, Mary Chiu, John Hrdlicka, Patrick Corrigan, Eric Fernandes, or our PSLHD liaison Mary Matakovich.